Designed to raise awareness of invisible disabilities, this video is the first in a series of awareness-raising films for companies.
Let’s not forget that 12 million people live with a disability in France, 80% of whom are invisible and often unrecognized by employers. Behind these invisible disabilities lie complex realities, disabling illnesses and daily struggles to gain recognition in society and in the workplace. Together, let’s break down the barriers of invisibility.
“Error 404”, which has also been broadcast in Europe, won the Grand Prix du Jury at the REGARDS CROISÉS 2022 FESTIVAL, in the corporate communications category.
The film was produced with the help of Séquences Clés Productions, the first audiovisual communications agency staffed mainly by creative professionals living with a physical, mental or sensory disability.
Corporate partners: La Banque Postale, BNP Paribas, CRIT France, ENGIE Solutions France, The Adecco Group Foundation, Fondation VINCI pour la Cité, Pôle emploi and Vivendi.